Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunday Blogger

I'm going to try out a new habit where Sundays are now blog days. Sundays are great because they allow me time to look back on the last 6 days and also plan for the next 7.

They are also a farmer's market day and farmer's markets are full of inspiration, community, and the best of the best stuff for you - fruit and veg!

Sundays used to be the only day of the week my parents had off from work. They were tired from a long week of long days - 4am to 5pm! We usually went out to breakfast and went grocery shopping as a family. Most Sunday afternoons my mom and I went to the mall. We lived in a suburb of gated communities and the mall seemed to be the only recreation around. It never occurred to me to suggest trips to the park, bicycle riding, kayaking, or any other out door activity. In retrospect I would've liked more of that, but my parents were probably just glad to have a slow day to enjoy.

So this week there were wine and crafts on Monday! Babysitting Tuesday and Wednesday, with a trip to the farmer's market on Wednesday evening. Thursday I volunteered at the Museum of Craft and Folk Art - the theme was book making and there were plenty of crafty folks who turned out. Friday I played a board game with friends - we also stuffed ourselves silly on barbeque!

Yesterday I kind of fumbled through finishing really old projects and trying to start up new ones. I get so lost, side-tracked: re-vamping, editing, re-starting, throwing out, circling, circling, circling my projects. Then I go online and look at what other people have accomplished and it throws me into a spiral of jealousy and defeat - how could I EVER be as talented, hard working, stride-making, clever, stylish, brave as they? This is useless activity! I have been making progress on pushing through the doubt, though. Just charging straight ahead, fuck ups and all! Sometimes it gets easier.

This week I'm looking forward to spending time with Raquel. It is her birthday! An old friend is flying out to see her and we are all going to spend a few days in Santa Cruz and have a fancy dinner nearby. It will be nice to get some sunshine and have lots of laughs.

Today I am going to the farmer's market and charging through some scattered projects. Wish me luck! Here is a video about procrastination:


Nelly Face said...

Hey! Nora told me about your blog! I remember you saying "What fresh hell is this!" to your projects- sometimes I say that now. Because really, why can't everything we make be perfect and awesome and go so fast? Jeeze.

In unrelated news- The Museum of Craft and Folk Art sounds righteous!


jess said...

Hi Nellie! I liked reading your blog posts about working at the Santa Fe Opera costume shop and all of your other various activities!

I don't really say "What fresh hell is this?!" anymore... mostly because I don't have studio mates and I'm plenty crazy without talking out loud to myself! I do still listen to lots of Harry Potter audio books while I make things, though. It's good to have a routine!