Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Make Sure To Wear Some Flowers in Your Hair

Well since the last time I made a post here I've moved to San Francisco, wrangled myself two jobs, and fixed my laptop! Things change.

I'm working a full time job with an hour commute each way. By the time I get home I'm pretty exhausted and haven't been committing much time to craft or my Etsy shop. Since I have so much time during my commute to and from work maybe I should come up with a project to do. Maybe a knitting or crochet project that involves making something similar over and over again? Like i like lemons: the olive plan 2008 at the blog I Like Lemons.

Also, I'm going to pick up photography again and get better by just doing. And I have a goal to get into the Mission Indie-Mart - a sale event featuring local artists located right here in San Francisco.

Oh and you know that song "if you're going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair..."? Since I have come to SF I figure I should create some flowers to wear in my hair. Something new to sell in my Etsy shop perhaps? Perhaps!

That's all for now!