Friday, October 17, 2008

Making scarves, thinking about lichen

"Lichen are symbiotic associations of a fungus (the mycobiont) with a photosynthetic partner (the photobiont also known as the phycobiont) that can produce food for the lichen from sunlight." from Wikipedia

Lichen print from Ernst Haeckel's excellent book.

Textural, shape-y scarves or other accessories made up in felt!
I'm preparing for a craft show that I'm doing with my friend this Sunday. I've made up some new scarves from pretty wool fabric and felted wool balls. It's always difficult to figure out what to bring to a show and I always feel pressured to create something new at the last moment! I have a touch of insomnia from worrying over it and that's before thinking about the display! There's no guarantee that I'll sell anything! Ack the worry! I'm also antsy about having given up on my website and therefore having business cards that point people to nowhere!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Visitors and goings on

Illustration class is going well - I think. Typically, I have become sort of the teachers pet. This, combined with my natural inability to make with the small talk and endear people to me in a quick fashion (i.e. make friends), I feel more alienated from my classmates than ever! Oh well. I do like to draw! I'm pounding the 9 heads fashion figure proportions into my brain, hoping it will feel like second nature soon, knowing that I will abandon this silly unrealistic style in the end.

Capsule Festival is October 19th and I'm helping Debby with her Rebe booth and bringing along some of my own things. I never feel prepared enough for a show! I hope to have a decent amount of product to bring along and plan a pretty display.

My parents are visiting today for a week and I am trying to figure out where to take them. Alcatraz, Napa, and lots of food-ing? I'll probably let them loose in Chinatown tomorrow while I work and go to class.

Raquel is also coming to stay with me for awhile while she waits for a house in Santa Cruz to clear out. She's bringing her cat and I am extremely excited!

It's been a slow start to the morning but here comes the rest of the day.